The Next Wave of E-commerce: E-commerce Enabler

If you are the real online shopper, you are probably a part of 32% Indonesian e-commerce consumer and have bought just about everything on online marketplace –whether it’s your daily favorite cereal, your morning skincare routine or even your brand new smartphone. Online shopping makes everything in our lives to feel like Charlie Puth’s song: One Click Away. Online marketplace has been grabbing tons of consumer and drawing brands –big brands to grab a share market in online marketplace. That’s

Jipremium 2019: More Than a Trade Fair

Coex along with (Korea International Trade Association-KITA) organized the second Jakarta International Premium Products Fair 2019 (JIPREMIUM) from 7th to 9th November at Jakarta Convention Centre (JCC) Senayan, Jakarta. Highlighting the same theme as prior year, Jipremium meant to show the “Stylish Life in Jakarta”. Jipremium has become the destination for people or companies who want to expand their business. This is shown by the increasing number of participants that rose from 220 in 2018 to

Talent Show? Nope! It’s Impeccable Talent Performances, Jet Commerce Got Talent!

What’s so special in our second anniversary celebration? Apart from celebrating every achievement we have made in 2 years. We also gave our team a perfect chance to express their talent. We realized most of our team is millennials that brimming with gift and they need a stage to show what they got! Yes! As a result, we came up with Jet Commerce’s Got Talent to be a special event for Jet Commerce team in revealing their hidden talents. Without further ado, here is the recap of first Jet Commerce

The Memento of 's 2nd Anniversary

Last Thursday was an exceptional day for Jet Commerce HQ team. Instead of staying in the office, right at 3 PM o’clock, we were heading straight to The Golden Sense Restaurant. Hundreds of people dressed in navy colored shirt were ready to celebrate two years of Jet Commerce’s journey. Here are the highlights of our second-anniversary celebration. This is the least we could do to portray all the fun we had. In between joy and laughter, we remember our endeavor to be at this point in time. A mo

Hadapi Halangan Buat Jadi New Me

Pernah bertanya-tanya nggak kenapa resolusi selalu berakhir jadi wacana? Dengan siklus case yang selalu sama: we are trying so hard on January but at the beginning of Feb, we completely lose our interest. Sometimes the excitement of making new year resolution ngebuat kita nulisin hal-hal besar dalam daftar target kita. Nggak disadari juga kita mungkin masukin hal yang terlalu besar di daftar. Padahal, as soon as our excitement fades away, hal-hal besar tadi jadi keliatan sulit banget buat dilak

The Importance To Be The New Me

New year is right around the corner, and we can starting to hear all the ‘New Me’ wishes. Banyak orang yang nganggep kehadiran tahun baru adalah waktu yang tepat untuk ngedeklarasiin diri kita yang baru. Tapi pernah nggak penasaran tentang kenapa banyak orang mau berubah jadi pribadi baru? Sebenarnya seberapa penting perubahaan diri kita buat jadi pribadi baru? Here’s the reasons why … Everything that revolves around us wil be change. Bahkan ketika kita nutup diri dari perubahan, hal-hal di sek

Chinfie, Matahin Standar Kecantikan atau Jadi Bahan Ledekan

It’s a common knowledge that most of our everyday Instagram feed occupied by wanderlust scenery, artsy monuments, mouthwatering food and everyone’s top priority, perfect selfie.Yep, buat beberapa tahun terakhir selfie jadi naik daun banget. Dari nyari angle terbaik, lighting pendukung, touch up kontur lewat make up atau aplikasi hingga kemunculan berbagai ponsel yang ngejual kemampuan selfie terbaik mereka. Semua itu ada buat ngedapetin perfect selfie. ☀️sunflower power

Summer Breeze on My Stormy Night

There are things that worth slowing down and there are things that you wish to be over in the blink of an eye. Every now and then, you find one thing that can be both worth slowing down and wishing for an instant check out. I found mine. You will know when you find one, because when it happens it feels like you are having a love-hate relationship. You know, the kind of relationship in which you fall for a person or a thing that you hate.And I was having it with an abstract yet so actually exsis